
Continuing Professional Development Training Introduction to the GRETA project & Module 1 of the CPD training

Welcome to the GRETA CPD Training Allow us to introduce ourselves! 1st Primary School of Rafina Coordinator (Greece) Spectrum Research Centre CLG (Ireland) Skills Elevation FHB (Germany) Istituto Comprensivo Don L. Milani (Italy) AKLUB CENTRUM VZDELAVANI A PORADENSTVI (Czech) Centre for the of Research & Development in Educational Technology (Cyprus) University of Pitesti (Romania)

Let’s break the ice! ● You will be provided with a Bingo card ● Each square on the bingo card features a characteristic such as "has more than two pets" or "only knows how to cook toast" ● You have to find a person that fulfils one or more of those characteristics ● Once you complete the whole Bingo card, scream BINGO!

On completion of the Continuing Professional Development training, we hope that you will: ● Understand the rationale and key aims of the GRETA project ● Explain the role of education in mitigating Climate Change ● Use Challenge-based learning as a new pedagogical methodology and technological tools to create WebQuest resources

Contents ● Overview of the GRETA project - The philosophy of the GRETA project - Main objectives - Introduction to the Continuing Professional Development Training ● Module 1: Introduction to Climate Education - Unit 1:Climate Change and its environmental impact - Unit 2:The role of education in addressing climate change - Unit 3:Introduction to the WebQuest resources

The philosophy of the GRETA project The project aspires to develop a“whole school” programme for pupils, educators, and parents to identify areas of their life, their habits and their behaviours that they can change and modify so that they can contribute to the achievement of the climate goals, including being climate neutral and omitting zero greenhouse gasses by 2050.

Objective 1 To develop 42 WebQuests challenges on six climate change topics and implement them with students aged 8-12 years old. Objective 2 To build your capacity so that you can create and apply your own Challenge-based learning resources in the classroom. Objective 3 To develop digital resources to increase climate literacy for Parents. Main objectives of the GRETA project

In order to empower you and lay the groundwork… ● The project introduces the Continuing Professional Development Training to you, the frontline workers of the Education system. ● The training will equip you with the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge on Climate Change. ● Utilising the acquired knowledge, you will be encouraged to support your students to act against Climate and Change and realise various climate actions.

Module 1 Introduction to Climate Education Module 2 Challenge-Based Learning in the Classroom Module 3 Developing Challenge-Based Learning Resources The structure of the Continuing Professional Development Training

Module 1: Introduction to Climate Education

Unit 1: Climate Change and its environmental impact

Weather Vs Climate Weather refers to short term atmospheric conditions (rain, snow, wind, frost, fog and sunshine) which is affected by temperature, wind conditions, humidity, cloud cover etc. Climaterefers to the long-term regional or even global average of temperature, humidity and rainfall patterns over seasons, years or decades.

Global warming and Climate Change ● Global warming is usually used interchangeably with the term Climate Change ● Global warming: Average increase in Earth’s global surface temperature from the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900). ● Climate change: - A change in climate patterns in the usual weather found in a place/Earth’s climate (e.g. change in how much rain a place usually gets in a year). - It refers to both human - and naturally produced warming and the effects it has on the planet.

Temperature change over time (1880 - 2021) ● From 2015 - 2020, Earth experienced the five warmest years on record ● 2016 was the warmest year on record globally ● The average temperature is 1.1 Celsius above preindustrial period (<1750) and by 2040 will be 1.5 Celsius National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( )

More evidence of the rapid climate change (1) ● Oceans show warming more than 0.33 Celsius since 1969 ● Greenland and Antarcticalost an average of 279 and 148 billion tons of ice per year respectively between 1993 - 2019. ● Glaciers are retreating around the world TFWWWdY&t=148s&ab_channel=Vox

More evidence of the rapid climate change (2) ● Snow cover is decreasing in Northern Hemisphere and melting earlier ● Sea temperaturehas risen about 21-24 Celsius since 1880. ● Extreme events has been recorded around the world (intense rainfall, droughts, fires)

Investigation of the extreme weather events around the world ● The climate-science research field started in the early 2000s aiming to explore the human fingerprint on extreme weather, such as floods, heatwaves, droughts and storms. ● Scientists have published more than 350 peer-reviewed studies looking at weather extremes around the world ● The “Extreme event attribution” studies tell us how much of the credit or risk for an event should go to global warming and how much should go to natural weather patterns or random climate variability.

● In the map, the red colour indicates whether the current event is attributed to human activity and the blue to nature ● 70% of the events were found to be made more likely by human ● When you click on a sign, you receive further information about the current study Source:

Activity 1 ● Watch the short film “One Earth” ● Discuss the environmental changes over the years ● Address the main environmental issues that affect the climate ● Explain how human activities contribute to climate change ● Note your thoughts here u988s&t=42s&ab_channel=RomainPennes

Briefly, some of the world’s main environmental issues: ● Plastic pollution ● Deforestation ● Air pollution-CO2 emissions ● Melting ice caps ● Food waste

Paris Agreement ● International treaty on Climate Change ● Adopted in 2015 by 196 parties at the 21st Conference Of The Parties ● Long-term goals: - Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to limit the global temperature - Limit the increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius - Review the commitments of each country every five years - Economical support to the developing countries to mitigate climate change and adapt to climate impacts

Unit 2: The role of education in addressing climate change

“Education is the most powerful element in preparing societies for the global challenges that climate change brings. It equips individuals, communities and the wider world with the understanding, skills and attitudes to engage in shaping green, low emission andclimate-resilient societies.” (UNESCO,Education 2030)

Activity 2 ● Create a concept map to represent the role of Education in addressing climate issues and its contribution against Climate Change - Watch a short tutorial on how to use Miro board here - Gain access to Miro board - Then, place the topic “The role of Education in addressing climate issues and its contribution against climate change” in the middle of your working area and start building your map by adding your thoughts around the main idea.

Education and Climate Change (1) ● Bridge the gap betweenScience and Society ● Understand their interconnection against Climate Change ● Education enables transferring and applying scientific knowledge ● The whole process results in informed decision making and action

Education and Climate Change (2) ● Education offers: - Action at all levels of society (children, youth, adults, local and international organisations etc.) - Translation of knowledge into societal response encourage the understanding of the causes - Achievement of social goals through climate goals Ledley, Rooney-Varga, Niepold (2017). Environmental Science.

● Learn what Sustainable Development goals are here ● For each SDG, explain the link between society and Climate Change. How do they affect or are affected by each other? ● Note your thoughts here Activity 3

What is the current status in education in your country regarding climate change, climate issues and climate actions? Activity 4 ● In your opinion: - What should be changed in the education system? - Is the current education positive or negative? - Does the education point out blame for climate change? - Does it teach about activism including how to get involved? ● Use padlet board to post your thoughts

Adaptation measures to Climate Change in Education (1) ● Reform of school curriculum ● Provision of support to educators ● Use of real-life problems ● Understand the importance of interdisciplinarity - Connection between disciplines (e.g. Theoretical and practical subjects) ● Promotion of system thinking - Understand the complexity of a problem

Adaptation measures to Climate Change in Education (2) ● Cultivation of 21st century skills - Problem solving, critical thinking etc. ● Integration of innovative teaching methodologies (e.g. Challenge-based learning, Problem-based learning) ● Engagement with new technological tools ● Subject: Education for Sustainable development N. W. Feinstein & K. J. Mach (2020) Three roles for education in climate change adaptation, Climate Policy, 20:3, 317-322, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2019.1701975

Unit 3: Introduction to the WebQuest resources

What is a WebQuest? ● According to the founder of the WebQuest Bernie Dodge (1997) "A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web. WebQuests are designed to use learners' timewell, to focus on using information rather than on looking for it, and to support learners' thinking at the levels of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation."

WebQuest’s main characteristics ● Student-centred approach ● It focuses on a specific topic and allows students to make good use of the internet ● It is based on discovery and exploration ● It promotes independent learning and scientific skills ● It encourages collaboration

Why WebQuest resources in addressing Climate Change? (1) ● Active learning methodology ● “Fit for purpose” that adds pedagogic value ● Development of higher-order thinking skills depending on the requirements of the different tasks (Polly & Ausband, 2009): - Evaluation and application of knowledge - Synthesize of information - Generation and realisation of ideas

Why WebQuest resources in addressing climate change? (2) ● Through the WebQuests, pupils will: -Think of solutions to address climate change topics -Be encouraged to develop their own promotional material and campaigns to raise awareness -Become creators, critical thinkers and problem solvers Polly, D., & Ausband, L. (2009). Developing higher-order thinking skills through WebQuests. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 26(1), 29-34.

Introductory level (8-10 years old) ● Make earth cool again ● We are what we breath ● Fossil fools Advanced level (10-12 years old) ● My carbon budget ● My food miles ● Bruised not broken The categorisation of the WebQuest resources in the framework of the GRETA project:

Introductory level WebQuest ● Contains a minimum of 3 steps in the process 1. Make the Earth Cool Again–cover topics related to global warming and the impact it has on habitats and ecosystems; on human, animals, plants and the future of our society. 2. We are What we Breathe – cover topics related to air pollution around the world and what can be done to improve air quality, like reducing carbon emissions, planting more trees, reducing your carbon footprint, etc. 3. Fossil Fools – cover topics linked to the impact that burning fossil fuels is having on our climate and our environment

Advanced level WebQuest ● Contains a minimum of 5 steps in the process with slightly more complex tasks 1. My Carbon Budget - these WebQuests provide pupils with a weekly/monthly carbon budget and will ask them to plan how they will spend their budget on a range of activities that they already undertake. 2. My Food Miles - these WebQuests challenge pupils to review and evaluate where their food is sourced from, and how far their food has been transported. 3. Bruised Not Broken - these WebQuests support pupils to look at how they can repair toy, electronics, books, etc. that are damaged, rather than always buying new.

“The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.” 2020-1-EL01-KA201-078808 Thank you for following this presentation!

Continuing Professional Development Training Module 2

Contents ● Module 2: - Unit 1: Introduction to the pedagogical approach of Challenge-based learning - Unit 2: Integration of the WebQuests resources into a lesson plan - Unit 3: Use of the Lesson Plan Canvas to create WebQuest resources

Module 2: Challengebased learning in the classroom

Unit 1: Introduction to the pedagogical approach of Challenge-based learning

The Challenge-based learning approach ● Learners have the opportunity to focus on a challenge of global significance and develop local solutions ● A space is created where learners direct their own research into real-world matters and think critically about how to apply what they learn ● CBL builds on the successes of Problem-based learning where students engage in self-directed work scenarios (or “problems”) based in real life. (Johnson et al., 2022)

Role distribution in Challengebased learning ● Teacher is responsible for the construction of knowledge rather than dispensing information. He/she support the learning process of the learners ● Learners refine the problem, develop research questions and investigate the topic using a wide variety of primary source material such as links to useful websites

1.Engage ● Introduction to a big abstract idea (e.g. Sustainability, Circular economy, Energy, Democracy) ● Generation of essential questions to understand the context of the idea (e.g. Why is this important to me? Where does this concept intersect with my world? ) ● Definition of an actionable challenge: “The challenge Statement”

2. Investigate ● Learners formulate questions to understand the Challenge that will support the decision- making process ● They are looking for resources and activities that will help develop a realistic solution ● Process and analysis of the information to set the foundation for the solution

3. Act ● Following the investigation phase, learners develop solution concepts ● Solution concepts may include: a campaign to inform or educate, school or community improvement projects, product development, or other activities. ● Next, it’s solution development (prototypes, experiment and test). ● Νew guiding questions may arise that will lead to further research ● Implementation phase of the solution

The importance of documenting ● From the beginning until the completion of the Challenge, learners document their experience using audio, video, images, and photography. ● The ongoing collection of content provides the resources for reflection, informative assessment and the documentation of the learning process.

Activity 1 ● For each step (Engage, Investigate, Act) think of at least 3 activities that you could perform in the classroom. - You may note your thoughts here.

The link between Challenge-based learning and WebQuests ● WebQuests are challenge-based learning methodologies ● They promote the development of learners’ imagination, creative thinking and problem-solving skills. ● The answers are not predefined and therefore must be discovered or created. ● Learners must use their critical-thinking to find their way to the challenge result. ● WebQuests represent an important bridge between content learning and technological literacy.

Activity 2 ● Identify potential strengths and weaknesses of Challenge-based approach. - You may note your thoughts on the Jamboard here

What pedagogical approaches or techniques do you employ in the classroom and how?

Unit 2: Integration of the WebQuests resources into a lesson plan

Main structure of the WebQuests Each WebQuest resource will comprise: ● Introduction ● Task ● Process ● Evaluation ● Conclusion

Introduction ● Provides background information on the topic ● Sets the foundation for the investigation stage ● Capturestudents’ interest with a question ● Interactive tools are preferred for this section (e.g. video, images)

Task ● This activity describes the end product. ● An overview of the activity ● It is expected to go beyond the read-the-page-answerthe-questions activities. ● It should require critical thinking and collaboration.

Process ● It explains the steps and strategies to be followed to complete the task. ● Each step in the process include a number of resources (e.g. web pages, articles, blogs, videos, images, infographic, visits, books) ● All means support the successful completion of the task - Introductory level: A minimum of 3 steps - Advanced level: A minimum of 5 steps

Evaluation ● It measures the results of the activity and should illustrate what the learners should achieve ● The evaluation tool should illustrate to students exactly what they should do to be successful.

Conclusion ● It summarises the purpose of a WebQuest ● It should encourage the learners to reflect on the process and results achieved ● Self-reflect on what they have learned ● It concludes with a positive/encouraging message

Unit 3: Use of the Lesson Plan Canvas to create WebQuest resources

What the Lesson Plan Canvas is ● The Lesson Plan Canvas (LPC) is based on the Business Model Canvas (BMC) which is a tool used to visualise all the building blocks when someone wants to start a business, including customers, route to market, value proposition and finance. ● BMC has been adapted to be applied to a primary teaching session with the aim to describe the rationale of a certain lesson. ● In addition, it is an effective tool for integrating technology into the classroom

The Lesson Plan Canvas ● View the suggested Lesson Plan Canvas here: PwdsaT7z36bTSxsWYCaS/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=11262 2182168515017349&rtpof=true&sd=true ● Review the different sections of the LPC

Components of the Lesson Plan Canvas (1) ● Prior Knowledge The information and educational context a learner already has before they learn new information ● Learning outcomes The statements that describe the knowledge or skills students should acquire by the end of the lesson ● Target group The particular group of people that an advertisement is intended to reach

Components of the Lesson Plan Canvas (2) ● Duration The length of time that the lesson plan lasts ● The Bigger Picture The most important facts about a situation and the effects of that situation ● Introduction Presentation of the main topic

Components of the Lesson Plan Canvas (3) ● Technologies Identification of the technological needs of the current lesson plan ● Process The series of steps that will be followed in the context of the current lesson plan ● Task Describes the assigned job of students

Components of the Lesson Plan Canvas (4) ● Evaluation The means that will be employed to evaluate the current lesson plan ● Conclusion A synopsis of the current lesson plan

Activity 3 ● Use the Lesson Plan Canvas to organise a lesson related to Climate Change - Choose a climate-related topic - Download the word file on your computer - Fill in each part of the LPC appropriately

“The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.” 2020-1-EL01-KA201-078808 Thank you for following this presentation!

Continuing Professional Development Training Module 3

Module 3: Developing Challenge-Based Learning Resources

Contents ● Module 3: - Unit 1: Τheoretical and practical guidance for the development of Challenge-based WebQuest resources - Unit 2: Introduction to interactive platforms and how to integrate them into the teaching process - CPD training final evaluation activity

Unit 1: Τheoretical and practical guidance for the development of Challenge-based WebQuest resources

Introduction to the GRETA project’s WebQuests ● A compendium of 42 WebQuests has been developed by the consortium on Climate Change ● The WebQuests are available on the project website in: English, Greek, Italian, Czech, German, Romanian ● There are 6 WebQuests in each category

The WebQuests featured on project website

Activity 1 ● Explore the WebQuests included in each category: - What are some good practices (e.g. examples, tools, ideas etc.) that you would integrate into your WebQuests? - What are your suggestions regarding the material developed?

Unit 2: Introduction to interactive platforms and how to integrate them into the teaching process

Do you use technology in your classroom? ● What tools do you use? ● For what purposes do you use them and how? ● What cases they are good for? ● What are the downsides?

Activity 2 ● Let’s create a database with all the interactive tools and platforms that you used or still use in your classroom! ● Share your practices in the excel file

The importance of Technology in the classroom ● Technology provides students with easy-to-access information, accelerated learning, and fun opportunities to practice what they learn ● It enables students to explore new subjects and deepen their understanding of difficult concepts

How to incorporate technology into a lesson plan ● Technologycan be used for a number of purposes: - Gamified learning - Digital field trips - Communication among teacher, students and peers - Gather student feedback - Create digital content - Access, review and critique webpages - Incorporate video and multimedia into lessons and presentations - Online activities or games

10 Interactive platforms and tools

Powtoon ● Powtoon is a web-based application ● It is used for animated video creation, presentations, tutorials ● It is an easy and engaging tool for students ● It offers free and pricing plans k&t=2s&ab_channel=AnimationVideoFactory

Google forms ● Google forms can be used to conduct surveys, evaluation tests, short quizzes and quick polls or gather opinions and feedback ● All the data collected are organised in real time response info and chart ● You may also add video or images ● Use your Google account to gain access ● Watch a short tutorial from start to finish: Porter z2HkI&t=55s&ab_channel=TechisEasy

Kahoot! ● Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform ● It makes it easy to create, share and play learning games or trivia quizzes ● Among others, you may: - Introduce new topics - Review content - Reinforce knowledge - Turn students into leaders - Foster creativity and teamwork S9Q&ab_channel=Kahoot%21 ● is a Web 2.0 application ● It supports learning and teaching processes with small interactive modules ● Each module is independent and can be embedded in an appropriate teaching scenario ● You can browse an App or create your own ● Experiment with a tutorial here: =2s&ab_channel=LearningApps

Buncee ● Buncee is an online learning resources platform ● You have the ability to create online lessons, boards for students to share their thoughts and work, and collaborative learning spaces ● On the other hand, learners can document, communicate, and visualize their learning ● Create a free demo account or secure a school plan DpPtTw&t=7s&ab_channel=Buncee

Genially ● Genially is an online tool that can be used to teach and learn through interactive learning materials ● It allows the creation of presentations, infographics, interactive images, gamification and other content 6cqdO0&ab_channel=Genially ● Deck. toys is a platform that helps teachers create and share online lessons using their easy tools. ● It provides the ability to offer differentiated paths within the same lesson ● Some of the features are: - Interactive decks (Drag n Drop elements, crossword puzzles, jigsaws and mazes) - Interactive videos and slides - Capture students’ responses (draw, text, poll) - Real-time tracking of student progress 0U94&t=1s&ab_channel=Deck.Toys

Socrative ● Socrative is an interactive assessment tool ● Teachers can choose from quick questions for instant feedback, class counts to see who’s logged in, or full quizzes for deeper understanding ● The provision of immediate feedback is also a crucial part of Socrative Y&t=6s&ab_channel=masteryconnect

FlipGrid ● Flipgrid is a social learning application that can spark meaningful discussions, and inspire the learners to share their voice and creativity ● It enables both students and teachers to record short videos, to document and share what they’ve learned in a kind of social media format PSs&ab_channel=Flipgrid

Explain everything ● Explain everything is a whiteboard and screencasting application that allows teachers and students to access content asynchronously. ● The tool encourages the creation of interactive lessons and collaborative spaces. ● Some of its main features are: annotation, animation, narration, slides creation, drawing etc. ZHk&t=24s&ab_channel=ExplainEverything

Activity 3 While working in small groups: ● Gain access to at least 1 of the recommended tools ● Explore its capabilities and features ● Think of an activity that could be implemented with your students ● Share your thoughts with the rest of the teachers

Final evaluation activity ● Development of Challenge-based WebQuest resources - Use the Lesson Plan Canvas where you have structured your main idea/challenge as a reference - Access the recommended template and download it on your computer - You should submit 1 completed WebQuest including: 1. A short Powtoon or video to introduce the challenge 2. A short quiz or puzzle to evaluate the WebQuest

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“The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.” 2020-1-EL01-KA201-078808 Thank you for completing the CPD Training in the framework of the GRETA project!