29 Module title: : Challenge-Based Learning in the Classroom Interactive • Even PowerPoint has many interactive possibilities through embedded content and with hyperlinking, both within a slide set and connecting out to other resources. • Live technology – from audioconference to telepresence to webinars to meetups to Skype, and more – allow pre-planned and ad hoc synchronous interaction. Interactive within an LMS Incorporate rich media into discussions – in face to face and online settings (synchronous or asynchronous) – as discussion starters, instructor responses, and as student comments and responses. Incorporate rich media into evaluation tools. • Prompts for questions. • Media content for the learner to view and then respond using written • text or rich media content they discover or create. • Supplemental content from the instructor to help explain incorrect • answers and reinforce correct answers, along with additional learning • opportunities. • Direct the learner back to content for review You will find here a provision of resources. Just click and explore! Open digital educational tools for interactive online teaching and learning | UNICEF Best Tech-Creation Tools | Common Sense Education Theoretical guidelines and practical guidance for integrating interactive platforms into teaching process Communication messages are sent and received every day in classrooms. Often times, the traditional modes of sending messages involve face-to-face standardized lectures, PowerPoint, Prezi, or some type of video. While these types of channels are functional, they are not always effective given how students differ in their learning styles. These differences are one reason why instructors should consider using PowToon, which is an alternative way to deliver relevant course information.